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Spore drive on sto

Spore drive at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.( “Illusion of Communication”, “Pahvo Dissension”) Missions involved However many Terrans who made that journey ended up cocooned in mycelian strands.

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Charon, which used a mycelial reactor, was destroyed in mirror universe, its wreckage was thrown forward to 2410 where Captain Killy was attempting to bring reinforcements to. Discovery to jump to 25th century prime universe. There, the Terran Empire of the 23rd century had been pursuing similar research, but instead sought to use the mycelial plane as a power source. The Discovery's jumps included one to the mirror universe. After this, it was identified that some Elachi, apparently from the network, had a greater mastery of the technology than the Federation had developed. ( "Such Sweet Sorrow") The technology was only uncovered once more with the appearance of J'Ula in the 25th century and her pollution of the Mycelial network. The technology was used intermittently after that, but was eventually classified with the disappearance of the Discovery. Stamets conducted an illegal genetic augmentation on himself and took over that role personally. However, after the tardigrade started dying, they were forced to find an alternative to its role as a navigator throughout the mycelial plane. The Discovery acquired the tardigrade from the Glenn after the disaster and its crew managed to successfully use the technology in the following months. ( “Secrets”) Her attempt at using it during the attack on Starbase One failed, due to Straal having corrupted the data she stole, resulting in her time displacement to the 25th century along with another Starfleet vessel (The player's DSC Starfleet vessel). She modified it to function as a weapon and placed it on the I.K.S. Prior to their demise, J'Ula of House Mo'Kai succeeded in stealing this technology from the Glenn. However the Glenn's crew, along with Straal, were all killed in an accident that ensued during a failed jump. The Glenn managed to perfect the drive through the acquisition of a creature referred to as a tardigrade. Sadly, Straal and the entire crew of the Glenn were killed in November 2256 when the ship's spore drive malfunctioned.The technology was developed by Justin Straal and Paul Stamets, jointly deployed on the U.S.S. Lukara, and several other ships in its vicinity were destroyed when the weapon was fired, they were actually transported more than 150 years into the future. While it seemed at the time that J'Ula's ship, the I.K.S. While J'Ula was unable to use the data to create a spore drive of her own, she was nevertheless able to devise a devastating mycelial weapon that she used to attack Starbase 1 a few weeks later. Straal managed to corrupt many of the files, but J'Ula managed to escape with the data, and Glenn pursued.

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Īfter responding to a distress call from Delta Volanis Station in mid-2256, the Glenn was boarded by Klingon forces led by J'Ula, the matriarch of House Mo'Kai, who stole classified data on the spore drive. Initiate this sequence by activating Beam: Overload, Canon: Rapid Fire, or any Intelligence Bridge Officer Ability. Glenn NCC-1030, and Stamets to the U.S.S. A temporary adjustment to the spore drive allows temporally-displaced duplicates of your ship to assail the targeted foe with torpedo spreads for a brief period of time. Development of the spore drive was deemed a military priority, and Straal and Stamets - now lieutenants in Starfleet - were split up between two ships in the hope that it would accelerate their work Straal was assigned to the U.S.S.

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Soon after the ships were launched in 2256, war broke out with the Klingon Empire. They agreed to let Starfleet help develop the technology, and an entire class of starships, the Crossfield class, was designed around the experimental drive. Astromycologist Justin Straal developed the spore drive with his colleague, Paul Stamets.

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